Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I can finally create!


Soooo, remember this?


Ugh! How could you forget?  Well guess what? Now it looks like this…


Looking in from the door. Don’t you just love my ribbon racks? I do! They used to be the husbands CD racks from when he was just a kid! Just drilled some holes and the rest is ribbon history!  I still have a lot of ribbon I need to bring up but I will probably keep it in it’s bin. I basically just needed racks for what I used most often.


Sewing table with my small start to a fabric collection. I can’t wait for it to grow!


A table that I kept empty so that I would have somewhere to cut fabric or a place to use my cricut. Wherever my creative side takes me that day!


For now I will be “sharing” my room with the sister’s AG dolls. I hope to find them a new spot soon, but I didn’t trust putting them in the new basement playroom. When the sisters have friends over it can get pretty wild!

So there it is! That’s my space. It’s not huge, it’s not perfect, but it’s mine and I HEART it so much!

Here are a few things that I have been able to create since I “moved in”!








Sunday, May 8, 2011

Karsyn County Fair…. The Printables.

First of all I need to say a huge no strike that a HUMONGUS Thank you to Tip Junkie for featuring my County Fair party!!! Awesome! You so made my day!

Second of all, I have had quite a few requests for my printables that I used at the party. Well guess what? You all don’t have to wait any longer…..

TADAA! Here they are!


Cotton Candy Cupcake Wrappers


Popcorn Cupcake Wrappers


If you would like reference or pictures of the the cupcakes we made these for click here.


The Tag I made for our Fish in a bag soaps. Get the tutorial here from Cap Creations.



Enjoy! Feel free to use these printables any way you like! The only thing I ask is that where ever you may use them, you let them know where they came from! Thanks!

